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Barca: El Otro Lado

July 23th (Tuesday) & 24th (Wednesday) at 9:30 pm

At Espai 30 - Nau Ivanow- Address: C/ Honduras, 28-30. Metro: la Sagrera, Barcelona.

The dancers in this work, who all live in Barcelona, offer their personal narratives to question and provoke issues of identity. Using the historic events of 1492 as a reference point, their performance explores what happens when the human urge to ‘adventure’ takes hold, when the curiosity and excitement of discovery turns to ‘colonization’, and/or occupation of territory; the physical, psychological, and emotional territory of self and other. 

Barca: el otro lado is part of an international performance project involving dancers, musicians, and media artists in Canada and Catalonia. The title deliberately uses the city of Barcelona as a vehicle, a barca, for new cross-Atlantic voyages of discovery and understanding, connecting to Vancouver, Canada, at the edge of the Pacific. Going west to find east/going east to find west.
